همس الحبيب
ادارة منتدي همس الحبيب ترحب بالاعضاء والزوار وتتمني لهم قضاء وقت ممتع ومفيد وتمنع نشر الموضوعات التي تخدش الحياء العام لأعضاء المنتدي وزواره اجعل مساهماتك شاهد لك لا عليك يوم لا ينفع مال ولا بنون
همس الحبيب
ادارة منتدي همس الحبيب ترحب بالاعضاء والزوار وتتمني لهم قضاء وقت ممتع ومفيد وتمنع نشر الموضوعات التي تخدش الحياء العام لأعضاء المنتدي وزواره اجعل مساهماتك شاهد لك لا عليك يوم لا ينفع مال ولا بنون
همس الحبيب
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

همس الحبيب

منتدي ديني ، اخباري ، توظيفي ، تعليمي ، اجتماعي ، ترفيهي ، ادبي ، حواري ، ثقافي ، تكنولوجي
الرئيسيةالرئيسية  البوابةالبوابة  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  قوانين المنتديقوانين المنتدي  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخول  
يسر ادارة منتدي همس الحبيب ان ترحب بك زائرا وتدعوك للتسجيل معنا للاستفادة منا وافادتنا بافكارك التي تطرحها معنا في المنتدي  
معنا في منتدي همس الحبيب قسم خاص للاستشارات النفسية والزوجية والاسرية في هذا القسم تعرض مشكلتك العائلية والاجتماعية والزوجية حتي مع طفلك مع زوجتك مشكلتك النفسية لها حل مع الاستشارية النفسية  ومديرة المنتدي" الله في قلبي " نحن معك اعرض مشكلتك ونساعدك في ايجاد حل لها        " فضفض معنا " 
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Marhban01
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity 011911150159b3s4g5xst4hta50f1
يسر ادارة منتدي همس الحبيب ان تعلن عن افتتاح قسم التوظيف " الوظائف الشاغرة " من الجرائد والصحف اليومية معنا تجد العمل المناسب لك في كل المجالات " وظيفتك بين ايديك "
يسر ادارة منتدي همس الحبيب ان تعلن عن وجود مكتبة همس الحبيب تضم مجموعة من الكتب والرسائل العلمية في مجال علم النفس والتنمية البشرية وبعض الكتب الدينية القيمة نتمني لكم الاستفادة 
مواضيع مماثلة

نتائج البحث
Rechercher بحث متقدم
المواضيع الأخيرة
» هل الأنبياء في قبورهم أحياء أم أنهم في السماء
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 05, 2016 6:02 am من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» مدونتي الخاصة لحن الوفاء
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالأربعاء فبراير 03, 2016 7:20 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» السينابون
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» البروفيترول والاكلير
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالإثنين يناير 25, 2016 5:21 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» شوكليت بول( كره الشكولاته )
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالإثنين يناير 25, 2016 5:16 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» كيك النسكافيه بصوص التوفي
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالإثنين يناير 25, 2016 5:13 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» جاتوه شاتوه بالكريم كراميل
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالإثنين يناير 25, 2016 5:10 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» تشيز كيك بالرمان
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالإثنين يناير 25, 2016 5:08 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» هل تملكين هذه الصفة
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالجمعة يناير 08, 2016 6:31 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» عقبال مليون سنة بصحة وسعادة مستر وائل موسي
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالجمعة يناير 08, 2016 4:59 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» عقبال مليون سنه بصحة وسعادة الغالي مجدي ناصر Magdy Nasser
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالجمعة يناير 08, 2016 4:45 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» السعال الليلي زائر ثقيل له أسبابه
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالجمعة ديسمبر 25, 2015 1:58 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» الافراط في الانترنت يؤثر على الصحة العقلية
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالجمعة ديسمبر 25, 2015 12:14 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» الكورتيزون ما له وما عليه
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالجمعة ديسمبر 25, 2015 12:06 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» 10 نصائح تربوية مهمة اذا اردت /اردتي عقاب ابنك
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالثلاثاء ديسمبر 22, 2015 4:45 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» ابنى يضربنى هل اضربه ام ماذا افعل حتى لا يكبر كذلك
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالثلاثاء ديسمبر 22, 2015 4:29 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» كيف نصحح أخطاء أولادنا بدون أن نُذلهم ونؤذيهم؟
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالثلاثاء ديسمبر 22, 2015 4:27 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» تربية جنسية للاطفال أفكار آمنة ومن وحي الإسلام
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالثلاثاء ديسمبر 22, 2015 4:20 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» الحفاظ على الصلاة نور وبرهان
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالإثنين ديسمبر 07, 2015 5:40 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» الأخلاق "فن الحياة"
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالجمعة نوفمبر 27, 2015 2:38 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» ماذا تفعل الام عندما يخرجها الأبناء عن شعورها ؟
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالجمعة نوفمبر 27, 2015 1:28 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» كلمات قصيدة منطقي للشاعر هشام الجخ
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالسبت نوفمبر 21, 2015 4:40 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» كلمات قصيدة نَادِيَّةُ للشاعر هشام الجخ
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالسبت نوفمبر 21, 2015 4:32 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» كلمات قصيدة بُنِي الْإِنْسَان عَلَى خَمْس للشاعر هشام الجخ
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالسبت نوفمبر 21, 2015 4:25 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

» كلمات قصيدة آخرُ ما حُرِّفَ في التوراة للشاعر هشام الجخ
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالسبت نوفمبر 21, 2015 4:16 pm من طرف ملكة بكبريائي

ازرار التصفُّح
 قائمة الاعضاء
 البيانات الشخصية
 س .و .ج
التبادل الاعلاني
أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا المنتدى
ملكة بكبريائي
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_rcap1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Voting_bar1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_lcap1 
فتحي حسني
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_rcap1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Voting_bar1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_lcap1 
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_rcap1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Voting_bar1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_lcap1 
هشام القن
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_rcap1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Voting_bar1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_lcap1 
المهاجرة إلي الله
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_rcap1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Voting_bar1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_lcap1 
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_rcap1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Voting_bar1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_lcap1 
قلب الليل
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_rcap1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Voting_bar1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_lcap1 
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_rcap1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Voting_bar1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_lcap1 
ماجدة محمد
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_rcap1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Voting_bar1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_lcap1 
ضياء الروح
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_rcap1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Voting_bar1What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Vote_lcap1 
اسم العضو:
كلمة السر:
ادخلني بشكل آلي عند زيارتي مرة اخرى: 
:: لقد نسيت كلمة السر
نصائح مهمة للاعضاء

أعزائي الأعضاء و الضيوف الكرام في منتديات همس الحبيب           
- التزامك بقوانين المنتدي يضمن لك مصلحتك و كامل حقوقك

- احترامك لحقوق الآخرين يرفع من شأنك ويجعلهم يبادلونك الاحترام

- يرجى احترام القرارات الإدارية وعدم التعدي على حرمة المشرفين والإداريين .

- قبل السؤال و الطلب استخدم خاصية البحث في المنتديات .
- إن أفدت عضوا لعله غدا هو يفيدك .

- و اعلم انه لا خير فيمن علم علما و لم يعط ولو قليلا منه .
ليس المهم أن تشارك بألف موضوع ...بل المهم أن تضع موضوع يشارك فيه ألف عضو.

_ يمنع وضع روابط شخصيه لمواقع أخري للاعضاء في ملفاتهم الشخصية


المواضيع الأكثر نشاطاً
مدونتي الخاصة لحن الوفاء
موسوعة الفتاوي الخاصة بأحكام الصيام للمرأة المسلمة
مقياس التوافق الزواجي
حصريا علي همس الحبيب تحميل كتاب الصحة النفسية والعلاج النفسى - حامد زهران
رسائل علم النفس والارشاد النفسي من الشبكة العربية
قائمة برسائل علمية في علم النفس
تحميل كتاب الاختبارات النفسية تقنياتها واجراءاتها
حصري علي همس الحبيب ملخصات أبحاث في التربية الرياضية
║۩║ This Is Mohammad ║۩║
السعادة كمنبئ لجودة الصحة النفسية وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات لدى طلاب وطالبات الجامعة
دليل المواقع SP

حملة اشتري المصري
حملة اشــتـرى مـــصـــرى
لزيادة الاقتصاد المصري
موعدنا الجمعة
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity 386556_242814055784069_242718832460258_644259_1228378728_n

الغرض من الحملة :

هنشترى اى منتج مصرى من اى دولة و فى اى حتة هنشجع منتجاتنا هنرفع اقتصادنا..يوم
الجمعة 16/12/2011

What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity 372890_199083836845054_1296015018_n

What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity 4410


 What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
ملكة بكبريائي
مديرة المنتدي
مديرة المنتدي
ملكة بكبريائي


عدد المساهمات : 9881
نقاط : 23511
تاريخ الميلاد : 27/07/1980
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/01/2011
العمر : 44
الموقع : egypt
العمل/الترفيه : استشاريه نفسية

What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity   What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 19, 2011 3:05 pm

The information below is a must for a believing muslim. If you know
all the necessities listed below with references from the Qu'ran &
Hadith and then apply them to your actions, u will not go astray,
Insha Allah.

What every muslim must know from islam by neccessity:

You must believe in the Uniqueness of Allah's names and attributes.
You must believe in Allah (SWT).
You must believe in the existence of Angels.
You must believe in the divine books
You must believe in all prophets and messengers
You must believe in the hereafter.
You must believe in the divine decree of Allah.
You must believe in the divine decision
You must believe in the hour and its signs
You must believe in resurrection after death
You must believe in the day of judgement.
You must believe in divine accountability
You must believe in paradise.
You must believe in hell.
You must be devoted to Allah
You must denounce disbelief
You must worship Allah as if you see him.
You must seek the necessary knowledge
You must practice your deen
You must be sincere for Allah's sake
You must depend and keep trust in Allah
You must believe that provision or sustenance is from Allah
You must believe that the time of death or life span are determined
by Allah
You must love Allah.
You must love the messenger.
You must respect the Quran
You must invite people to Islam
You must know that islam must be dominant over the whole world.
You must establish the caliphate.
You must give allegience to the caliph.
You must fight in the way of Allah
You must migrate for the sake of Allah
You must fear Allah
You must appeal to Allah and Keep Hope.
You must maintain Islamic brotherhood
You must like for Allah's sake.
You must dislike for Allah's sake.
You must circulate the salutation (peace)
You should be kind to people.
You should have patience.
You should put your brothers need over your own.
You must have mercy
You should have compassion
You should be gentle
You should have control in anger.
You should smile at others.
You must be trustworthy and faithful
You should respect the guest
You must know the parent's rights.
You must know the child's rights.
You must know the husband's rights.
You must know the wife's rights.
You must maintain links with your relatives
You should respect the scholars.
You should invoke Allah
You should glorify Allah
You should leave the doubtful and have piety
You must be modest before Allah
You must care about the affairs of Muslims
You must defend and protect Muslims
You must fulfil the needs of Muslims.
You should visit and comfort the sick Muslim
You should be generous
You must reconcile your differences with Muslims
You should exert the utmost effort to perfect your ritual acts
You must be brave and courageous.
You should be sociable with others.
You should be humerous
You must be thankful to Allah.
You must praise Allah
You must supplicate or ask Allah only.
You should know about ritual cleanliness
You must know how to perform ritual purity for your body
You must know how to perform ritual purity for your prayer
You must know how to perform prayer
You must know how to perform ritual fasting
You must know that giving alms (zakat) is obligatory
You must know that to perform ritual pilgrimmage is obligatory
You must know that burying the dead is obligatory
You must command good (defined by Shari'ah.
You must forbid evil (defined by Shari'ah)
You must seek the divine rule for all your actions
You must make repentance to Allah
You must control your tongue.
You must guard your private parts.
You should be patient in times of hardship.
You should be patient during illness.
You should be kind to animals.
You must be kind to children.
You should have respect for elders.
You must maintain your wife.
You must maintain your children
You must maintain your parents.
You must protect and preserve your honour.
You must do good deeds.
You must obey those in authority over you
You must train for Jihad
You must look after the orphan.
You should look after the widow.
You should look after the poor.
You must reconcile between Muslims
You must verify the source of news
You must verify news reaching you.
You must support Muslims
You must unite Muslims
You must co-operate in good deeds and in worship.
You should avoid littering the public road
You must know not to associate anything with Allah
You must know the things which make you a disbeliever.
You must know not to reject any part of islam (ie to apostise)
You must know the things which makes you a hypocrite.
You must know not to ally with the disbelievers
You must know not to share power with disbelievers
You must know not to lie
You must know not to back-bite Muslims
You must know not to cause hatred between Muslims
You must know not to be envious of anyone.
You must know not to be arrogant.
You must know not to monopolise.
You must know not to humiliate anyone
You must know not to make a mockery of anyone
You must know not to disobey your parents.
You must know not to imitate the disbelievers
You must know not to take revenge
You must know not to commit fornication.
You must know not to commit homosexual acts
You must know not to drink alcohol
You must know not to benefit from the forbidden.
You must know not to cheat anyone
You must know not to boycott or desert a muslim intentionally.
You must know not to call each other bad names or nicknames.
You must know not to torture any living being
You must know not to spy on anyone
You must know not to eat the money of the orphan
You must know not to deal with usary
You must know not to oppress anyone
You must know not to mix with the opposite sex
You must know not to curse Muslims
You must know not to defame Mulims
You must know not to swear.
You must know not to make dirty sign language.
You must know not to be proud or to boast
You must know not to debate without knowledge
You must know not to give fatwa without knowledge
You must know not to stay alone with a non-mahram
You must know not to act
You must know not to impersonate anyone
You must know not to possess statues or idols
You must know not to draw any living being
You must know not to sculpt any living being
You must know not to gamble
You must know not to play the lottery
You must know not to play for a gain or for a forfiet
You must know not to have permanent contraception
You must know not to earn by prohibited means.
You must know not to harm yourself.
You must know not to harm anyone.
You must know not to show-off
You must know not to take disbelievers as intimate friends.
You must know not to take tyrant rulers as friends
You must know not to be a coward
You must know not to be paranoid
You must know not to be suspicious
You must know not to have doubt regarding Muslims without certain
You must know not to be miserly
You must know not to uncover the awra or to wear tight clothes
You must know not to look out for peoples mistakes
You must know not to gaze at the opposite sex
You must know not to be selfish
You must know not to talk about sexual intercourse.
You must know not to steal
You must know not to kill.
You must know not to accuse anyone of fornication without having
four witnesses.
You must know not to rebel against the state.
You must know not to innovate anything in the deen.
You must know not to be racist.
You must know not to be tribalistic.
You must know not to be patriotic.
You must know not to be nationalistic.
You must know not to have tribalism within a nation
You must know not to be partisan to a man, a group or a team.
You must know not to enter any prohibited places.
You must know not to pollute the environment.
You must know not to destroy the crops.
You must know not to forbid people from having children.
You must know not to hide divine knowledge.
You must know the prohibited singing.
You must know not to have anal intercourse.
You must know not to have intercourse with animals
You must know not to have intercourse with children
You must know not to have intercourse whilst fasting.
You must know not to have intercourse whilst menstruating.
You must know not to trade by deception
You must know not to give a false oath.
You must know not to give false testimony.
You must know not to be a false witness.
You must know not to steal the booty
You must know not to run away on the battlefield.
You must know not to imitate the opposite sex
You must know it is a forbidden for a male to be effeminate.
You must know that it is forbidden to marry a mahram (eg. your
mother, sister etc...)
You must know that it is forbidden for a female muslim to marry a
non-Muslim male.
You must know that it is forbidden to marry a non-Muslim female
(except pious people of the book)
You must know that it is forbidden for a muslim male to marry a
woman already married.
You must know that it is forbidden for a muslim male to marry a
women in her Iddah.
You must know not to wear long trailing clothes to show-off.
You must know that it is forbidden for a muslim to have hair
You must know that it is forbidden for a muslim to put hair
extensions on others
You must know that it is forbidden for a muslim to have tattoos
You must know that it is forbidden for a muslim to put tattoo's
on others.
You must know that it is forbidden for a muslim to change the
shape of his/her eyebrows just for the sake of beauty
You must know that it is forbidden for a muslim to change the
shape of the eyebrows of other just for the sake of beauty
You must know not to use gold utensils.
You must know not to use silver utensils.
You must know it is forbidden for a muslim man to wear silk
You must know it is forbidden for a muslim man to wear gold.
You must know it is forbidden to attribute yourself to someone
other than your father.
You must know it is forbidden to denounce your child
You must know it is forbidden to accept or to give bribes.
You must know it is forbidden for an Ameer(ah) to deal harshly
with his/her followers
You must know it is forbidden to deal in drugs or alcohol.
You must know it is forbidden to take back donations.
You must know it is forbidden to take back gifts
You must know it is forbidden to provoke anyone.
You must know it is forbidden to argue for the sake of arguing
You must know it is forbidden to turn your back on a muslim
You must know it is forbidden to back-bite throught fabrication
You must know it is forbidden to have double standards (i.e to be
You must know not to take an oath except if you invoke Allah's name.
You must know not to commit treason
You must know not to endulge in sorcery.
You must know not to endulge in palm reading.
You must know not to be pessimistic
You must know not to be negative.
You must know not to re-open graves.
You must know not to pick-pocket.
You must know not to forge.
You must know not to con people
You must know not to cut or torture dead bodies.
You must know not to believe in horoscopes nor to deal with people
involved with them.
You must know that it is forbidden to interfere into people's private
You must know not to sell anything prohibited
You must know not to eat anything prohibited in Islam.
You must know not to hide faults or defects in goods for sale.
You must know it is forbidden to say to your wife that: "your are
forbidden to me like my mother"
You must know it is forbidden to abuse the marriage.
You must know it is forbidden to abuse the divorce
You must know it is forbidden to abuse the ability to free slaves
You must know it is forbidden to give muslim land away to the
You must know that it is forbidden a muslim woman to pray during
You must know that it is forbidden for a muslim woman to fast during
You must know that it is forbidden for a muslim woman to pray just
after giving birth.
You must know that it is forbidden for a muslim woman to fast just
after giving birth.
You must know that it is forbidden for a muslim to pray in a state
of major ritual impurity
You must know that it is forbidden for a muslim to fast in a state

of major ritual impurity
You must know not to insult any Prophet.
You must know not to reject anything known by necessity
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
What Every muslim must know from Islam by neccessity
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
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صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
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